WAEE Administrative Coordinator Position Description
The Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education is a member-based, professional community of individuals and organizations with diverse backgrounds that promotes responsible environmental action, elevates voices for environmental justice, and celebrates excellence in environmental education. The WAEE Administrative Coordinator supports the overall operations of the organization in partnership with the Executive Director, an all-volunteer Board of Directors, and a range of active committees. They provide effective communications, support logistics and administration of organizational activities such as an annual conference and professional development opportunities in environmental education, support and sustain membership, and provide up-to-date fiscal information to support proactive financial decision-making of the Board and Executive Director. Outside of WAEE in-person events, this is a work from home position.
Our job descriptions are general overviews, not a mandatory comprehensive list. We are committed to nurturing diverse leadership within a diverse network, so if you feel passionate about our efforts and believe that you have the skills to accomplish the job, we want to hear from you!
Many of these responsibilities will be supported with assistance from the Board of Directors, Volunteer Committee Chairs, and/or the Executive Director. You can find a detailed description of responsibilities here: WAEE Admin Detailed Position Description_Updated April 2023
Time Frame for Employment: The Administrative Coordinator position is a part-time position consisting of 20 hours per week on average. The Administrative Coordinator has autonomy and flexibility in completing their weekly hours, outside of monthly evening WAEE Board Meetings, monthly evening WAEE Executive Committee Meetings, and WAEE in-person events.
Compensation and Benefits: $20/hour.
Materials provided by WAEE include: Two four-drawer file cabinets as needed, laptop, two computer monitors, reimbursement of home office supplies (e.g., computer ink, internet, phone) and mileage for in-person events. WAEE’s phone number is connected to its Zoom account for portability. The Administrative Coordinator’s costs for attending conferences and relevant training are covered by WAEE.
Supervision: The Executive Director will supervise the Administrative Assistant. This position will be reviewed at 6 months, 1 year, and annually thereafter.
To Apply: Submit your resume and a cover letter expanding on your skills related to the listed qualifications and responsibilities, your experience in nonprofits or work relevant to the work of WAEE (Advocacy, Networking, Membership support, etc.), and/or your passion for the field of environmental education. Please email these materials to [email protected].
Application Deadline: May 1, 2023